Age of empires 2 rush
Age of empires 2 rush

How do you beat these players? There are a LOT of them and it’s becoming very un-fun to play against. Even if I scout them, see their two archery ranges, beat them in early economy and get my own archery ranges with skirmishers it isn’t enough to beat the group of archer/crossbowmen.

age of empires 2 rush

My issue at the moment is no matter how much I scout and prepare I always lose to annoying players that just rush a clump of archers. I normally go for my favorite strategy, the Frank Knight rush. I’m a reasonably new player (been playing for a few months) and I am sticking too just the Franks while I learn the game and the basics. If needed build some towers (i usually dont build many towers, but is it possible). In dark age / feudal age build your military buildings at the front, so they become part of your wall. Just protect your wood line, gold piles, … with your TCs. Just build them at vulnerable in your eco. In Castle age you wanna build some more TCs at some moment. Try to build you town layout so that it is used as defensive layer. If you can wall your based, you can use mangonels to defend against the xbox and raid with knights at the same time. If you wanna deal with xbox in castle age: Go mangonels beside some knights. You will probably loose against every kind of early aggression. I wont advice a FC into knights for most maps. It is punished by early aggression, like an archer rush. This is a pretty high risk high reward strategy. It seems like you wanna fast castle into knights. It is probably the best to get these techs too. How about blacksmith upgrades? If a players goes for an archer rush, he probably have fletching and maybe even Padded archer armor. Archers are pretty terrible against walls. If your base is wallable, that would be great. In the mean time you can prepare for a defense against archers. If you scout it, go for a drush, MAA rush, scout rush, … You can do damage to his eco first, before he get the units to deal with your rush. So i wanna share some of my insights, which can be different from the approach of the pros.Īrcher rush is pretty slow. I feel like i dont die to archer rushes in most games. My rating is roughtly the samen (maybe just a little bit higher).

Age of empires 2 rush